When shopping for insurance, it is not only your driving record determines your annual premium. The type of car you drive is also a factor of great - and some cars are much more expensive to ensure than the others.
A variety of factors can affect the quotation of car insurance, including the frequency of accidents for this model, the cost of repairs, the cost to insurers, when a vehicle is declared a total loss and the cost of claims for bodily injury, according to Insure.com Web site.
To give an idea of what you can pay for some a car, Insure.com produces each year lists of the 20 cars more expensive to provide and 20 less expensive models.
To generate lists of 2012, Insure.com used average rate information provided by Quadrant Information Services. The rates were calculated from data in 10 ZIP codes Allstate, farmers, GEICO, Nationwide, progressive and firm State by State. The rankings are based on the cover of a model 2012 with a pilot "representative" (a single, 40 years old male who commute 12 miles to work each day;) limits of $100,000 policy that responsibility for the injury for one person, $300,000 for all injuries and $50,000 damage to property in an accident; and a deductible of $500 on the collision and coverage complete. The pilot of the hypothetical has good credit and a clean driving record.
The cheaper model to ensure, in accordance with the analysis, is a minivan: Toyota Sienna, with an annual premium average of more than $1,100. The list includes also 19 other cars with premiums similar averages, all less than $1,200 a year. The least expensive list tends to include many minivans, which have proved to be "safe, economic" vehicles, according to Insure.com.
At the other end of the spectrum is the 2012 Audi R8 Spyder Quattro, a convertible two-seater that is the most expensive ensure, with a premium annual average of nearly $ 3,400. On the more expensive list are also many Mercedes, Porsche and BMW.
Insure.com also provides a calculator that allows you to obtain the average rates for 900 different cars.
The cost of insurance when you have selected your car?
It is a more complete version of history than that which emerged.
PHOTO: Insurance for a Toyota Sienna the van is on the low end. (PHOTO: TOYOTA)
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